Global warming is caused by green house gasses in the atmosphere that trap radiation from the sun and keep it from being released back into space. This is causing the temperatures in many places on Earth to rise by a few degrees. This may not seem like much, but in colder regions like Alaska, Canada, the North Pole, Nova Scotia, and others, this slight temperature difference has a big effect. Scientists speculate that if the current warming trend continues, the polar ice caps will melt and many other environmental changes will occur that can be both good and bad for all life on Earth.”global climated change” were looked at, and a total of 0 rejected consensus position. It’s time for us to move past the fringe right and paid skeptics and recognize scientists who have dedicated their lives to this do have a fundamental understanding, and are in agreement. It’s time to take the next step, and begin looking for viable solutions.

Global warming can affect our future ability to obatained food.As climate changes plants and animals will change leading to a change in the eating patterns of humans.As increase is one result of global warming that could have devastinbg effects.First the quality of crops would be affected by an increased in precipatation.Second increasing rain could lead to an increase in soil erosion.There are ways that you can help prevent global warming.
the effects of global warming by spraying sulfate particles into Earth’s stratosphere could make matters much worse, climate researchers said on Thursday.car pooling.Audint the energy in your home.Buying fuel-efficient cars and reducing the electricity in your home are ways to help congress representative which say global warming,doe's not exist
Goverment authorities can help by passing laws to reduce emission.from factories.they can also form a treaty with other countries to legally bind limits on emission of heat trapping gases.The future of emissions.We can slow of the effect of global warming by reducing green house gas emissions.The causes of gobal warming are said to be the human race in general.The main causes that is being discussed is all the carbon emissions from all the factories and manufacturing plants.the reason why we are concerved is because the temperature is supposesable changing rapidly

This is said to be.The highest temperature we have seen since thousand of years ago.The other thing that is thougt to produce the extreme temperature changes is the green house gases.These are one cause for the raise in temperature.every one fears the effect of global warming..